The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #891671
Posted By: Bat Goddess
16-Feb-03 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
The only reason I ever go into Blockbuster is to buy "previously viewed tapes". My closest video store, while not perfect (until the current manager, they purchased foreign films that were dubbed in English, not subtitled), recognizes that they have a niche in the older films, so their collection isn't bad. It's far from perfect, but better than most.

Tom and I owned a niche video store in the late 1980s specializing in foreign films, classic films, and as much of the odd stuff (I guess you'd call them Cult Films) as we could lay our hands on. Needless to say, we're not in business anymore. (The shop hung on for almost 3 years, done in by an economy in the toilet and the arrival of Blockbuster.) Even with the local university, there really wasn't enough traffic to support it, or even pay the rent.
