The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #891744
Posted By: Rick Fielding
16-Feb-03 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
This was a very good idea. I've written down about thirty good films that I HAVEN'T seen.

The problem is that our local Blockbuster has systematically gotten rid of most of the interesting ones. Forty Madonna (on DVD) and forty Madonna (on VCR) take up a lotta virtually everything that folks have listed in this thread is no longer on the shelves.

There are lots of alternative Video stores downtown (Peter T. haunts them) but out her in the Beach area it's just Blockbuster and Rodgers.

Message to Harvey! Don't give in mate! The moment you want to scream at the TV.....they've won!

On the other hand, you could quote one of the great masters of the language, Leo Gorcey, and just say "Whyyyyyy I oughtaaa"!! Then you throw your hat down onto the floor and kick it!

