The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56559   Message #891925
Posted By: GUEST
16-Feb-03 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should the Uk & US go to war with Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Should the Uk & US go to war with Iraq?
Mr. McGrath:

I will answer your question. The massacre Saddam is planning for his own people is to position his military with in residential areas where the population is concentrated. That way when we attack him if any of them get killed it will be the fault of the alliance. Also when he retaliates with the WMDs that he "dosen't have". his own people will bear the brunt and that to will be the fault of the Alliance.

If any human shields show up they will indeed become human shields, probably even hostages.

Likewise when the oil wells are torched and the infrastructure is destroyed at his command that will be the fault of the Alliance forces.

Quite a man of honor he is, deserving the respect of all peace lovers everywhere.

I think he is in for a big surprise when weapons that have been improved by tenfold in accuracy, wipe out his Military infrastructure, command and communication and capabilities. Most of these weapons will not be explosives. They will be E-bombs that emit high power electromagnetic radiation to ruin any electronic equipment with a pretty wide range and carbon fiber "bombs" that short out electric power facilities with out ruining them permanently.

Can you answer any of my questions? What is your scenario of what will happen?

Old Guy