The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #891955
Posted By: GUEST,Hated Guest
16-Feb-03 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
I haven't seen 'A Beautiful Mind', but I want to rent it before next weekend.

Radio interview tonight....about this movie. Spooky. A man named Steve Martin from Maine was interviewed on 'The Tom Valentine Show'. First time I've heard the show.

I missed the first part of the interview, but the guest was talking about hidden codes in 'A Beautiful Mind'. The Director Ron Howard says the DVD version contains hidden clues about the 'real' story, and the man being interviewed said killers like to leave calling cards...and here's a wild one.

The movie's a biography of John Nash but apparently talks about 'suitcase nukes' in the 1950's...too early for those to be around...and someone (a hallucination? an FBI agent?) tells him one of the bombs is on the Eastern seaboard. Then he has some revelations...numerical epiphanies.

Second epiphany involves pyramids (special effects?) swirling off a page. This is the 'Who' of the next attack. The Illuminati.

Next revelation...numbers form an hourglass shape, so this indicates 'When' the next attack will occur, and the man being interviewed claimed a combination of 2's and 3's added up to 2-22-03...Feb 22 of this year. Said the words 'USS Cole' were also in the hourglass.

Last revelation involved more numbers a magazine page?...then some eyeglasses. And the words 'U.S. ancient army port site...British (something or other)'. Well, this would be West Point, which Benedict Arnold tried to sell out to the British. Oldest military academy in the U.S. So, this guy was saying West Point will be blown up with a suitcase nuke next week.

You folks think I'M full of conspiracy theories...I can't top this one. But if this DOES transpire, Director Opie is in league with the Illuminati. Talk about the world being turned upside down...Hey! That's the song they played when Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown. 'The World Turned Upside Down'. Thought I'd throw that in, since this is a musical site.