The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #892753
Posted By: Bat Goddess
18-Feb-03 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
"Picnic at Hanging Rock" wasn't released on video for years . . . and I think it was ONLY released in the director's cut. You might find a bootleg copy somewhere, though.

Forgot to mention one of my all time faves that I can't locate a copy of (had one in the shop but Tom sold it along with the rest of the stock): "Morgan, A Suitable Case for Treatment" with Vanessa Redgrave and David Warner.

"Blue Country" is also a wonderfully feel good French film.
"Jules et Jim"
"Le Bal" which doesn't need subtitles as there is no dialog in the entire film. Nor is there in "Final Conflict."
"Something Wicked This Way Comes"
"Sunday Bloody Sunday"
"Stranger Than Paradise"
"Salome's Last Dance"
"Lair of the White Worm"
"Raging Bull"
"Princess Bride", "Time Bandits", "Shrek" and others of that ilk.
"Photographing Fairies"
"Women In Love" (ohmagawd! Alan Bates and Oliver Reed in the same film!)
"Never On a Sunday"
"Night On Earth"
"Map of the Human Heart" (Canadian, British, French & Australian)

"Lumiere" is another cool flick for cineastes.

ALL of Christopher Guest's films (and include "This Is Spinal Tap).

Then there's my obscure loves: "Vampire Hookers" (with John Carradine wandering around bemoaning the fact that there's nothing to mix with blood other than vodka and the girls bemoaning the fact that they've not had a suntan in 400 years) and "Oversexed Rugsuckers From Mars" where Martians try to cross human beings with vacuum cleaners in hopes of creating a species better at cleaning up after themselves. "Polish Vampire In Burbank." Oh, not quite as obscure, but "Killer Klowns from Outer Space", too.

Gotta go shovel.
