The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56863   Message #893121
Posted By: Alba
18-Feb-03 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Subject: RE: BS: WARNING! SNOB THREAD. Renting a film.
Songcatcher is reasonably good. Lovely music and the story is ok. It's worth a look for the music, but not for the acting and story line.
Photographing fairies is a wonderful film, thanks for reminding me Bat Goddess.
another few I enjoyed:
In the bedroom
The score...(good twist in the tale)
The big sleep..classic
Also anyone who can tell me the name of a mongolian film I saw. I know it's soubds as if I am being oscure but I am not really. I cuaght it by chance in a cinema one night. The story is of a husband and wife.....with an amazing scene in which their daughter (about 10 years old) plays the piano accordian. Great film, but I can't remember it's name !!!!!!.... anyone know it?????Alba