The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11783   Message #89395
Posted By: mryan
24-Jun-99 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Old German Clockwinder - alt. version
Subject: Old German Clockwinder - Alt. Lyrics
I am looking for the Lyrics I have heard to the song, 'OLD GERMAN CLOCKWINDER'. I have seen the version detailed in the database in this site, but the version I have heard recently in pubs is a bit different.

In the version I am hoping to find, the first verse ends with "... and when he played with his flute the music was grand!" Later verses end with "...seeing another man wind up his wife's clock!" and "'...if your old clock needs winding I'll wind it myself!'"

If these ring a bell and you happen to know the all the lyrics for this version of the song, I would appreciate your input/response.
