The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56990   Message #894277
Posted By: JohnInKansas
20-Feb-03 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: Encouraging novice musicians - format?
Subject: RE: Encouraging novice musicians - format?
There was a recent thread on "how to organize a slow jam" that may be of some help. I don't remember the exact title, but I'll look around and see if I can find it.

One key perhaps is that someone with an interest in these novice players has to "take charge" and get something going that excludes intimidating better players. The "slow jam" meeting will sometimes bring them out. It is (usually) very difficult to incorporate a "novice friendly" gimmick into a regular session that will effectively get them to participate without "offending" at least some of the more accomplished players.

If you have specific individuals that you want to encourage, a "home practice" session - by personal invitation to not more than a half-dozen at a time might work, if you let them know in advance that it's a real "learning session."

Our local area "Dulcimer Alliance" has been holding monthly "slow jams" for several years, with pretty much the same participants. I think they need to schedule a field trip to get some of their people to mix with some better players, but there has been resistance to that on the part of some who are determined to remain "novice" forever.
