The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56999   Message #894351
Posted By: GUEST,Leo Condie
20-Feb-03 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
Subject: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
this is from a george monbiot article (

Troy Davis of the World Citizen Foundation has been sketching out an ingenious means of pulling the rug from beneath Saddam's feet. The United Nations, he proposes, should help the opposition groups based abroad and in Iraq's no-fly zones to establish a democratically-elected government in exile. This government is then given the world's Iraqi embassies and the nation's frozen assets. It gradually takes control of the no-fly zones and the oil-for-food programme. Saddam Hussein would find himself both isolated diplomatically and confronted by a legitimate alternative government. It is not hard to see how his authority over his own people would be undermined, permitting him to be toppled more easily. This plan also ensures that democracy is less likely to be frustrated by the installation of a puppet regime.

and this is the actual website outlining the WCF's plan:

this thread is dedicated to all those people who think war is the only answer.