The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56951   Message #894387
Posted By: AggieD
20-Feb-03 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crazy Things your Pets Eat
Subject: RE: BS: Crazy Things your Pets Eat
Our current dog, Jasper loves licorice, (as did our previous dogs Benji & Sam)as well as whatever we are eating. Yoghurt is a favourite, & he's allowed to lick the pot after I've finished.
Cat poo is very high on the list of goodies, & he has a very good nutritiously balanced food.
Dried pasta is a favorite too.

Cats Misty & Treacle love anything fishy - today it was the scrapings of smoked salmon, a particulate favourite for some reason- spoilt or what? - as well as a little cooked chicken & cheese.

We looked after a dog that belonged to my cousin, for a short time. She adored anything from the orange family, as soon as you started to peel an orange, satsuma etc. she would magically appear, & sit drooling until she got a piece.