The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56999   Message #894450
Posted By: GUEST,herc
20-Feb-03 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
Subject: RE: BS: a real peaceful solution for iraq
This did seem inspirational, but I am afraid that experts in international law may give us dissapointing news on the plan's viability. This Monbiot fellow seems to have failed to notice that the site promoting the concept clearly states that the UN can have no involvement in a plan for regime change. The site has the following quote: "Danilo Türk, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, United Nations:

" This is worth trying. The UN has no mandate for regime change and cannot initiate this or host it, but if the Iraquis initiate this process, we might get involved at a later date. . . . "

The entire thrust of this plan is in the pre-overthrow phase. I can't find any reference on the main site to Monbiot proposal for seizing Iraqi assets and embassies, and giving them all to this pre-overthrow transitional government in exile. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that those are not legal options, either.

In tandem with that, the problems of democratically electing a transitional government-in-exile seem massive. If it then has problems with legal standing, well then, how would it work.

Hate to be a naysayer, but, I suspect this one needs a LOT more work, into a form that would make its current incarnation unrecognizable. Glad to be wrong.
