The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56990   Message #894737
Posted By: Gloredhel
20-Feb-03 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: Encouraging novice musicians - format?
Subject: RE: Encouraging novice musicians - format?
Anyone want to come to Spokane and encourage me? Seriously, I'm pretty good on my own, but have no experience playing with other musicians. I'm too intimidated to drag myself or my harp to sessions because I don't have many songs memorized and don't know how to accompany tunes. I'm ok at figuring out the chord progressions of simple pieces, but have a difficult time determining what key it's in.

I've been to three sessions with my harp, and I've sat myself down in a corner where it would be difficult for the other players to hear me so that I could sort of experiment. Unfortunately, this also means I couldn't hear what they were saying when they all decided what the tune was and what key they'd play it in....