The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56990   Message #895021
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
21-Feb-03 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: Encouraging novice musicians - format?
Subject: RE: Encouraging novice musicians - format?
Geez, Gargoyle, I hope I don't stumble into one of your sessions! Sit and watch for a FEW YEARS? Thank goodness our jam group doesn't feel that way; I would have missed a lot of fun the last three or four years while I "sat and watched."

As the complete amateur in our group, I can tell you that a desire to learn to play better and the patience of the musicians you play with will make a big difference in your skills. I've loved music since I was small, but the only thing I had ever played was a piano--not an easy thing to lug to a session at someone else's place. Right up there with the double bass, in fact. With the encouragment of a friend at Winfield and the woodworking skills of Mr. John, I acquired a mountain dulcimer, then a bunch of books, then the chance to jam weekly with an "old country songs" group.

I still don't take breaks or leads except very rarely when I know the song well, but I sure have a lot of fun in the background. And I think I've made a lot of improvement out of sheer self-defense. Our guys seldom name the key and most times don't bother with the name of the song, either, so I've learned to watch the guitar players for the chords and figure out where we are that way. And that's fun too!

So give your beginners a chance, whatever form your session takes. They really aren't there to be obnoxious. Most of them are there for the love of the music and to feel like they contribute to the mix.


Lin in Kansas