The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57025   Message #895118
Posted By: Schantieman
21-Feb-03 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: My own personal boycott
Subject: RE: BS: My own personal boycott
I don't drink Coke or Pepsi, or eat in MacDonalds partly coz I don't want to ruin my health/ lose my remaining holey teeth/ consume "milkshakes" thickened with lard / keep myself awake all night with caffeine (usually!) and partly coz they typify the modern multinational profit-driven cynical-exploitation-of-the-consumer-istic organisation which I hate so much.   Not that I have anything against Americans, either generally or individually although some of their leaders have left something to be desired over the years!

Denim originated in France, I believe. It was originally the fabric de Nimes a town in the deep south. Making it into jeans may have been an American invention ?????
