The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57025   Message #895199
Posted By: Peg
21-Feb-03 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: My own personal boycott
Subject: RE: BS: My own personal boycott
no doubt you will feel healthier eliminating Coke and McDonald's from your diet! This stuff is deadly. It's believed we have an epidemic of adolescent obesity in this country because, in addition to getting far too little exercise, kids eat fast fod and drink sugar-laden soda every day...

Seems to me that your boycott is not just about these internationally recognized products but a boycott of what has sadly become an American way of life: ingesting chemically-flavor-enhanced garbage (it tastes good because it is injected with flavoring, not because that beef is fresh or those fries are wholesome) and caffeinated sugar water and thinking this is somehow an acceptable stand-in for human nourishment. It isn't.

Boycotting can be about a partcular brand name. Nike has been boycotted by activists for some time because of its refusal to make its products in the USA, and its exploitation of workers in Asia for pathetic wages and working conditions. Gillette tests some of its products (cruelly and needlessly) on animals. Nestle headed a poorly-planned program of distributing dried baby formula in countries where no safe source of water could be found to mix it, so babies were being poisoned from polluted water. Coca Cola was boycotted for years because of their business holdings in South Africa during the height of apartheid.

I wish more people would think in terms of boycotting; if our votes don't mean much in this country, where we spend our money still seems to...