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Thread #56955   Message #895203
Posted By: Mark Clark
21-Feb-03 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Constitutional Guarantees
Subject: RE: BS: Constitutional Guarantees
Bobert, I certainly agree that “The Supremes” need close watching. And as outrageous as it was to have them, in effect, appoint a man who had not been elected to the office of President, I think Al Gore and his organization are as much to blame for the disaster. If they had had any guts and focus at all, they would have insisted on a complete recount of Florida ballots and Gore would be in the White House today. Gore's actions during the election crisis leave me doubtful that his victory would have left the country in any better shape. The great tragedy of modern politics is that we always seem to be choosing between the lesser of two weevils.

I'm not sure I fear strict constructionism per se. It may be better in the long term to actually ammend the Constitution to clarify our legal intention than to bend it with the political current. In the former case, the rule of law remains constant. In the later case, the rule of law is left dangling in the pollitical wind. I personally tend to favor policies in left-liberal to radical range of the spectrum but I remain committed to the democratic principal of majority rule. If I can't make my case understood and accepted by the majority, maybe I've still got some work to do.

Of course democracy depends on an informed electorate which in turn depends on a free press… but that is another discussion altogether.

      - Mark