The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57029   Message #895591
Posted By: GUEST,sorefingers
21-Feb-03 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: spam
Subject: RE: BS: spam
I tried typing things (run )in my Win95 box and it does some realy weird whirring and buzzing then the screen flickers.. ought to try and find out whats a going oannn huh? Perhaps it is MSN looking for a Gateway? Oh well pity MS could not have been more honest about that registration deal, sure would have made widnerz a far smoother operator.

Talkin about smooth operators, Ireland did you know that IBM sells a PC preloaded with Linux GUI already in and full to the brim with goodies. I think it costs around a grand but hey if you want to cruise in a Rolo, you gots to puts yer stuff out!