The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57055   Message #895740
Posted By: BlueJay
22-Feb-03 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: In God We Trust
Subject: BS: In God We Trust
So you think our elected officials are primarily concerned with national defence? Wrong. Here in Conservative Colorado, a bill passed through the state House of "representatives" requiring the posting of plaques bearing the inscription, "In God We Trust", in all school classrooms and public buildings. It now moves to the state Senate, where hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.
Unknbeknownst to me, "In God We Trust" has apparantly been the national"motto of the U.S." since sometime in the 1950's, (the McCarthy years).
These people are very clever. They realize that with Colorado's dismal economy, there's no way to make the taxpayers support such folly, (at least for now). So a part of the bill exempts state funding. Production of the plaques will be on a donation basis.

So we in Colorado are to have a law requiring "In God We Trust" plaaques REQUIRED in all classrooms and public buildings, (whatever that means), aat no taxpayer expense. Hmmmm. I wonder where all those plaques are going to come from? The Democratic party, maybey?

I've heard the arguments and they don't wash. Yeah, I spend dollar bills that say "In God We Trust". It's on the dimes and quarters as well. But nobody really has to read their currency. I don't really care. Classrooms are a much different matter. Everhear of "brainwashing"? This is just another attempt by the right-wing to gain control of our kids before they learn better. Here in Colorado, we narrrowly avoided the mandated posting of the 10 Commandments last year, because we then had a Democratically controlled state Senate.

So you conservatives, like DougR, how does all this jibe with your talk of "less government intrusion", and "individual freedom"? Looks to me like the United States is very near a Police State. Maybe not for the affluent, but even the affluent will have to eventually have to admit that they are the "dictators" of this country.
Thanks, BlueJay