The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57096   Message #896533
Posted By: Leadfingers
23-Feb-03 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: When the Band Can't Come....
Subject: RE: When the Band Can't Come....
It seems that I must keep saying 'We are luckier here in UK than some areas'The 'No Show ' thing can happen any where but usually here it
involves a folk club,where we have a number of possible fill in artists ready to hand,and if its a known artist or band from outside the patch usually vivitors from other nearby clubs.This means turning it into a 'Come all Ye'means the M C has a harder job sorting out who is NOT going to perform.Its a bugger when you cant sing in your local club because of all the visitors!!!
Glad your evening came out positive from your No Show situation.