The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57055   Message #896648
Posted By: Bill D
23-Feb-03 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: In God We Trust
Subject: RE: BS: In God We Trust
if someone, of whatever religion/denomination truly believes that their wishes,prayers,blessings etc., can intercede with some higher power in MY behalf, they are free to try....privately, please! If it is going to do any good, it will work without it being said 'at' me, I'd think.

It makes me uncomfortable to be offered 'blessings' by someone who has no idea what my beliefs are, and even more uncomfortable if they are aware that I am not a Christian. Those who toss 'blessings' about to all and sundry every day seem to me to be merely repeating platitudes with little content.

I often have need to say consoling things or offer wishes for happiness to various friends and acquaintences, and I have learned many ways to assure them that I care and am concerned about them. Just a simple note that says "My thoughts are with you" or "I will be here if you need me." feels deeper to me than offering the ambiguous solace of a deity that may, or may not be paying attention.

If someone's intercession for me by prayer or blessing actually does ME some good, *smile*...well, fine...that's nice. I'll never know, but those who pray for me will feel better. I have always been fascinated by the saying "God helps them who help themselves" of the few religious sentiments that I like, as it can be taken two ways...straight, or tongue-in-cheek.