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Thread #56559   Message #897498
Posted By: Teribus
24-Feb-03 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should the Uk & US go to war with Iraq?
Subject: RE: BS: Should the Uk & US go to war with Iraq?
I think it was from Voltaire we got something like:-

"God is not on the side of the big Battalions - He is on the side of the best shots."

While you are doing your reading Forum, read up on why the Republican Guard was formed, read up about the specific role of the Special Republican Guard inside Iraq, read up on the specific role of the Fedayeen Saddam.

Having done that, put yourself in the position of an ordinary Iraqi, who for years has been living under the threat of terror those detailed above could visit on your family, your friends or indeed even yourself. Now, having done that, ask yourself how you would behave towards them if all of a sudden it was them in a tight corner - would you do everything in your power to assist them - or would you just turn your back on them - I will leave it to you.

"What you seem to be saying is that our overwhelming military force will make the Iraqis simply surrender."

Did the last time units of the Iraqi Regular Army surrendered in droves.

"While I can't speak knowledgeably on the morale of Iraqi troops, I can say that there are innumerable examples of technologically or numerically superior armies being defeated or greatly damaged in conflicts similar to this one."

But generally it there are far more examples of it going the other way - consul a bookmaker, he'll give you odds.

A short story - During the break-out from the Normandy beach-head a German SS Division almost got caught around Caen - they were subjected to extensive bombing - they managed to escape. The experience, according to their commanding officer, was such that any time thereafter, those who had survived the fighting round Caen, when faced with even the prosect of repeating that ordeal - would run. They would do anything other than stand - and these were guys who had been fighting hard for four years.

What chance an Iraqi conscript barely out of basic training, whose Officers and senior NCO's have gone through a similar experience to that of those Germans. Talking of conscripts, and the Iraqi armed forces are largely manned by conscipts, take a look at the demographic make up of Iraq. Now put yourself in then place of a Shia Muslem, or a Kurd - who has been trapped into joining up - are you going to fight the infidel invader to the last bullet, the last drop of your blood to save Saddam - Don't think so.