The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #898280
Posted By: mack/misophist
25-Feb-03 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
I often assume too much background imformation and good will on the part of the people I'm writing to. It seems I've done it again. For centuries, peasants in cold climates starved through the winter, then did the heavy work of spring plowing and planting on an even skimpier diet than the one that got them through the winter. Under such conditions, a very slow metabolism is a strong survival factor. Get fat during the Spring and Fall and then starve it off.

When I was younger and stronger, I did heavy labour loading and unloading vans of magazines. For over 2 years I fasted 2 days a week, being careful not to over eat on the other days. When I quit, I had lost......0 pounds. That's the kind of metabolism I'm talking about. It's quite common. Now that obesity is a health hazard, induced arthritis has made exercize problematic. A 400-500 calory per day liquid diet might take off the extra pounds in a year or so; I know from past experience I can't do that. The point is that some of us are DESIGNED to be fat. And there are no simple alternatives.

PS My brother-in-law can't GAIN weight, unless it's muscle mass.