The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57204   Message #898677
Posted By: Cluin
25-Feb-03 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Flying By the Seat of Your Pants
Subject: RE: BS: Flying By the Seat of Your Pants
The guy's name was Larry Walters. It was 42 weather balloons strapped to an aluminum lawn chair that took him up to the 16,000 foot height as mentioned. He had a plan though...

He took a 6 pack of beer up with him and a BB gun. When the beer was done, he used the BB gun to shoot out some of the balloons. He ended up crashing down on a power line. Yes, he was spotted by both TWA and Delta airline pilots while up there.

Timex had a series of ads a while back that featured people who had survived freaky things and were modelling different models of their watches. Larry was sporting a $50 "Moon Dial" watch. I still have an old 1991 Life magazine (that I kept for the article of the cleaning-up of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling) with his big dumb face with its shit-eating grin plastered on it. I'm looking at it now. There were 4 ads all together on consecutive pages:

Other "survivors" from the ad series who got a watch from Timex:

Willie Duberry: age 121, credits quitting smokin' an' drinkin' with adding a few years, though his sister made it to 115 (doesn't say whether she was a chain-smoking pisstank though)

Louisa Murray: hit in the head by a bowling ball that fell 3 stories while she was eating a sandwich

DeAndra Anrig: young girl who was flying a kite near an airport when an approaching plane snagged the cord, lifting her 10 feat in the air for 200 feet before she dropped to the ground (she is wearing a cast on her wrist in the photo). The cord broke one of the plane's propellors.

Don't try this at home, folks!