The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57154   Message #899014
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
26-Feb-03 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: N. Ireland gathering 2003 - THIS WEEKEND
Subject: RE: N. Ireland gathering 2003 - THIS WEEKEND

I suspect - eoin is the lads name (English equivalent - Ian/John/or sean sumfink like that), and o'buadhaigh is the Irish surname, probably something like... Bowe - in English.
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Well you's lot.

Mighty jealous I'm not going - thought I'd be in hospital too by now, but me ops been put for 18 March (I was very careful - and insisted I wasn't in hospital for the 17 March).

Sounds like you are going to have a good time there! I'd love to come, but I've also just bought a new house with me fella. So, money is tight, and there's rooms full of polystyrene ceilings, super fresco walls, and 60's fireplaces. Jack and Vera Duckworth (for the USA Chums - it's a UK Soap - Corronation Street) stone cladding on another fireplace, and a rather quaint Rayburn room heater (coal/wood burner) to contend with and is taking alot of my time!

It's all very exciting, but before I go in for me op I'm intending in getting at least the ceiling tiles down - as they are a fire hazard - coal fire and polystyrene tiles - NOOOOOO!

The coal burner is fast loosing it's staying power, especially when 'im indoors decided to rake it through with the doors open. You can now write your names in several pieces of furniture/doors/shelves.

So, I'll be up to me tonsils (what's left o them) in trying to make it a home, think of me when you are having your knees up. Regards to you all and if you do insist on having a drink for me... I'm rather partial to a Jack Daniels and Diet coke, either that or a pint of mad apples (cider).

Hello to Fibs mum and dad - sorry I'm not getting to see you this time round, maybe another time soon. I'm off to the fleadh for definate this year - despite house move, we're ensuring we get to the fleadh for our only hols this year.

All the best - have fun you lucky so and so's!
