The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56931   Message #900903
Posted By: Art Thieme
01-Mar-03 - 01:32 AM
Thread Name: Folk-Legacy Custom CD's
Subject: RE: Folk-Legacy Custom CD's
That album was much better than Sandy thinks. I'm glad I've got it. I ordered it in 1959 from Bob Shadd's Record Shop in Evansville, Indiana and it took 'em eight weeks to get the one copy for me. I picked it up the last day I was in town before I had to head home to start college.

Every time I listen to it now I keep trying hard to hear what Sandy is hearing that's so terrible----and I can't, for the life o' me, hear it. All I can figure is that some heavy s_ _ _t was going down then to color Sandy's feelings about it. He was fresh back from Grt.Britain with wonderful songs from Jeannie Robertson and others. Even if some songs wound up truncated, it was an amazing introduction, at least for me, to music I never would've heard ever anywhere else. His guitar was solid. His voice was vintage young Sandy Paton and Fred Hellerman's extra guitar was never as big a turn-off to those of us who still love that album as it seems it was for Sandy. "Long a-Growin'", "The Overgate", "The Wee Magic Stane", "Will Ye Go Lassie Go", "Byker Hill And Walker Shore" (or whatever). Great lyrics like

Geordie Johnson,
He had a pig,
He hit it with a shovel
And it danced a jig.
All the way to Duncan's rig,
To the tune of Elsey Marley.

And many more !--- There wan't a bad song on the album.------------ And then, there was that cover!!! What the hell more could a fledgling folkie ask for????? Not much me thinks from where I sit. And I've loved the album for over 40 years.

Sandy, I'm sorry. Just one guys opinion.

And I'd like to order a half dozen of each of my new CDs !!! But I'll have to wait until my Social Security disability check comes in for the month.

