The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #900914
Posted By: Rick Fielding
01-Mar-03 - 02:09 AM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
How do we know it isn't shared or discussed?

What are the indications that he MAY be carrying too much of a load?

Everytime he's posted he seems perfectly calm.

Don't a lot of these decisions have to be made quickly?

Seriously, would there be FEWER people complaining if Joe weren't the one making the decisions?

I did a bit of looking back tonight, and there are really very few folks (who give their names) who seem disappointed...and almost all of them seem to be talking to Max as if he's listening and gives a shit, rather than living his life. I mean, I think most folks here find the anonymous Guest complaints entertaining, but would anyone CHANGE Mudcat because someone who wouldn't give a name demanded it? This isn't a hip young people's internet's a corny bunch of folkies who've found a surprising hobby....and it's a Community.

Strikes me as Joe Offer's a pretty representative guy...and if he's willing to do all the stuff, then I'm happy to let him do it his way...whatever his motive. If a sizable percentage of people think differently, then he should let someone else do it.
