The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #900999
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
01-Mar-03 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Shambles, there are techincal issues that I would consider but the bulk of everything here are social problems.

There is no real sense of direction given from the top (Max). Joe takes the responsability (at least publically I don't know what private chat there may be with Joe and Max) and at times gets shot down for trying to do it. I think there would be fewer people cussing and yelling if Max said "This is what we are going to do". That is not Joe's fault.

What Mudcat has become is a battle of peronalities each with thier own beliefs. A nuber of people are more concerned by what they see as thier own rights being infringed than seeing that perhaps excersising those rights cause problems to others. So we have a battle field. This battlefield also helps open doors to trolls, though I believe willingness to respond is the major problem there.

I think that without some recognition of problems, Mudcat will eventually self destruct and even as a "Max hater" (I don't have that feeling BTW) and operator of a "rival site", or whatever else anyone may think of me don't want to see that. I spent too long here and got too involved here not to care.

I think the biggest tech issue was solved with the BS filter. This does mean the strict music people can enjoy that side without having to see the BS and I see no reason why the 2 can't sit happily side by side.

There still always will be debates over volume of threads musical or BS and I think whats needed there is discussion, not arguments. I'll use the PEL one as an example. It is very important to any of us who enjoy live music in England and Wales (and personally I live for my weekly session - I can't wait for the next one...) but the way it was tackled here clearly angered people. We must also realise that not everyone here will be affected by PELs.

A good commutity surely would be capable of recognising both sides of the problem and trying to get together to work out a solution enabling the visibiltiy of the important problem but reducing the number of threads and annoyance caused.

Mudcat has grown and is huge. It needs to mature enough to cope with differences of opinions within the community.
