The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #901087
Posted By: Bill D
01-Mar-03 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
"BillD have you ever known Carol to do anything other than express her honest feelings?"...of course not! If I hit a nerve, I truly apologize. (I seem to remember my own "honest feelings" not being totally well received at various times...*insert wry smile here*)

*sigh*....all I was trying to say above was that being the 'cook' is a hard job, and that constant 'suggestions' about flavoring, recipes, and ingregients can sure LOOK like complaints, even if if one follows up with "..good, though!"

when I typed my pithy little comment, I had NO one specific in mind, (I barely read the names associated with some of those comments) and was merely suggesting, in my late night stupor, that if one IS happy with the cook, let 'em cook, with very minimal comment...and I would suggest that unless one's comment NEEDS public airing, it might be best to PM Joe with your concerns, rather than doing it all in the threads where dozens, if not hundreds, of minds with different views can do almost anything to it.