The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57277   Message #901304
Posted By: Bobert
01-Mar-03 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Subject: RE: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
It all comes down to "tolerance", A**hole. You are so rigid in your thinking that all you can truely see is "black or white". You tru to project that rigidity onto others here but it ain't gonna wash.

You think that anitwar folks think that anyone who supports Bush's policy toward Iraq is a "warmonger". That's projecting as well as wrong. If we felt that way, then why would we spend so much time trying to argue our case? Well, I'll tell ya why. Because we feel that some folks need *information*. Keep in mind that Thomas Jefferson warned us that the only way this little experiement would work is if we were "informed". Like, I say, "information". Heck, if I didn't hink I had a chance to change one person's thinking around toward peaceful solutions top complex problems then I would be a total idiot to make the effort to "inform".

Now, you accused me of being "righteous". I am, thank you, in the in my walk thru life I practice love and respect for my fellowmen, even when I find myself on the other side of an issue. If that is righteous, then so be it. But I think you would be surprised that I am a member of gopod standing of a couple of my local town's committees that are comprised of conservative Republicans.

Now as for "alcoholism". Yeah, I know a lot about it. In my prior life I worked as a jailhouse teacher (GED stuff), in a drug rehab facility and as the Director of Outreach of Rubicon's Alcoholism program in Richmond, Va. Yeah, I know about addicts and addictions and have no addictions of my own, though I'd hate to loose my wife or my old Martin guitar.

Lastly, Mr. Bush: I don't think it is any secret that in his past he has had problems with both alcohol and drugs. I have never driven drunk. Might of fact, other thean getting drunk when I was about 17 years old, I don't get drunk. Bush, on the other hand was convicted of DUI. Do you really think that was the first time he had driven drunk? Highly (no pun intened) unlikely! When Bush says he doesn't drink that sends out a message to me. Hmmmmm? First thing I think of when someone says that, when I know they used to drink, is that they are a "recovering alcoholic".

Now, lastly, the pretzel incident. I don't have any evidence but you are the cop so you put it together. How many lies have you heard? Thousands? I'm sure. Now, here's a guy who has to show up for work with the bruise from "hitting his head on the table" abd says he choked on a pretzel, passed out and fell into the table. There, play cop with that one.

Well, sorry if I missed any of your points but I'm going to take me a ligttle break from the pudder now.

Righteous Bobert (Pompous, according to ttr..)