The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56948   Message #901397
Posted By: Bobert
01-Mar-03 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why I support disarming Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Why I support disarming Iraq
Good work, Fred!

Ol' Lepper is comin' 'round just like we drew it up on paper...Opps! Weren't 'sposed to say nothin' about the corn-spiracy. Ignore this! Burn it inthe fire place! Bury the ashes in the back yard!

Awww, jus' funnin'.

Yo, lep:

This ain't funnin'. Okay, maybe it it is. But here in the center of the universe, you know... ahhhh, Wes "By God" Ginny we got an annual "Liar's Contest" and well, the "Lepp" Brothers take turns winnin' the dnaged thing. Paul, bless his heart, passed two years ago but the younger Lepp is still taking home the blue ribbon.

Jus thought you'd like to know that...

Maybe you could come down and give him a run for the the money, ahhh, ribbon...

Awww, jus funnin'...
