The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #901502
Posted By: Blackcatter
02-Mar-03 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
guest karen:

As for your statement earlier: "Or is the problem that Mudcat is under new management without our being told?"

Do you honestly think you have a right to know if this is true or not? Do you honestly think that you have any rights on the Mudcat?

Also: You aren't paranoid, someone may be hunting you down. But not from the place you think . . . .

As for swapping "secret" information - check your doctor's office, your bank and your local DMV - look into how much of your private life they're SELLING to other companies. Run a spyware check on your computer - if you've downloaded music from the Internet, you might have also downloaded programs that allow someone to see the entire contents of your computer. Next time you fly in the U.S. think about how the airlines are gearing up to do credit and bank account checks on you to see if you are a potential terrorist.

Or - you can worry about a simple little discussion website where no one really gives a damn about your "secret" information.