The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #901803
Posted By: *daylia*
02-Mar-03 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Disgusted, I don't like "paranoid psychosis" either, but I'm sure that our DG does not consider him/herself, or his/her opinions either paranoid or psychotic. C'est la vie!

However, the only one holding me 'hostage' to the opinions of others is myself, as long I choose to continue spending time and energy on it. Which I did, until I'd worked out my own way of dealing with it satisfactorily. Now it doesn't bother - or attract - me anymore (well, not much anyway). I think that when all's said and done, no-one can "do something about it" except oneself, for oneself.

But I do appreciate Joe's efforts at organizing the place via thread consolidation!

Just my 2 cents worth - daylia