The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57351   Message #902211
Posted By: Mark Cohen
03-Mar-03 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: St Patrick's Day Songs ?
Subject: RE: St Patrick's Day Songs ?
Well, my sort-of-becoming-an-Irish-band-despite-a-dearth-of-good-musicians Irish band will be playing at Kelley O'Neill's in Waikiki, and I have a question. And I don't feel quite so bad about asking it now, after reading Mary's post. Does anyone have a good set of guitar chords to "Danny Boy"? We're sure we're going to be asked to do it, and need to be prepared. I have an arrangement that's OK, but I think it could sound better, and I'm not a good enough musician (see above) to find the chords. One thing that's kind of interesting is that they throw in a VIb chord (i.e., in D it would be Bb) on the last note, before resolving to the tonic. I don't remember having heard that before, though it sounds like it would have been a common Tin Pan Alley trick.
So, any suggestions?

Mark M. Cohan