The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57351   Message #902466
Posted By: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar
03-Mar-03 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: St Patrick's Day Songs ?
Subject: RE: St Patrick's Day Songs ?
And of course, DD, it's not a brew but a distillate ;-)

Any suggestions for a slow air to play on the pipes during a Patrick's Day Mass?   In previous years I've done Easter Snows and Port na bPúcaí (cue thunderbolt from Heaven) and Loch na gCaor, for reasons either purely musical or so obscure that I won't bore you with them.

Hrothgar, there is indeed a set dance tune called "St Patrick's Day" which is in jig time and was/is used by one of the Irish Regiments of the British Army. It's also used by whatever is left of the bands in the Irish Army. For the modern, combat-booted soldier marching on an asphalt or concrete surface, jigs are generally much better than quadruple-time marches: there's more of a swing to them, and they don't take themselves so seriously.