The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57400   Message #902523
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Mar-03 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Greatest Thing Youve Done
Subject: RE: BS: The Greatest Thing Youve Done
Ebbie: What a story! There's a Mudcatter who I hope will add her story about a college age daughter of an old friend of hers who called her in the greatest state of anxiety and depression. I've had that happen to me with a close friend one time. I don't think these things happen by accident... what a gift to be there for someone who is that seriously in need of help.

A few years back, at a bible stufy session, someone kept interrupting the lesson, asking questions about what to say to someone who is planning to commit suicide. Our pastor would respond to the specific question, and then go back to the text we were studying. A few minutes later, the same person would ask another question about suicide. Finally, our pastor said, "Do you know someone who is planning to commit suicide?" and the man answered, "Yes, me.." Everyone rose from their chairs and formed a circle around him and began to pray, and everyone offered to be there for him at any time he needed someone to talk to. That was five or six years ago. The man is doing beautifully now, able to help others who are going through similar times of despair. Sometimes all that is needed is to tell someone you'll be there for them... and mean it.
