The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #902552
Posted By: Big Mick
03-Mar-03 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Nice try, but you really miss the point. And your protestations to the contrary don't ring true. There is only one thing that you said that is true. And that is that anonymity isn't the real issue. It is behaviour. When you attempt to act as though you have been on the up and up, you just look pathetic. It is not that you are anonymous per se, it is your actions that attempt to deceive done under the guise of anonymity. Look at your posts above as "karen". You act like you are a different person trying to defend. How about the samantha thread in which you attempt to change the way you write and spell, use of small "i" and all that. These are attempts to see if you can fool folks into thinking there is this huge problem, when the fact is that there are only a few posing as several apiece. Your motives come through loud and clear. And they are destructive and self serving in my opinion. You are right. Who you are isn't as important as what your actions are. And as long as I am able I intend to see that you get credit for them.
