The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #902596
Posted By: GUEST,The Dreaded Guest
03-Mar-03 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Come to think of it, I think the old quote about foreshadowing was more like, "If you're going to use a gun in Act 3, put it over the fireplace in Act 2". Implying more of a backwards chain of events, so when your mind works backwards after the deed, you are able to find your own 'explanation' and put the matter to rest. Without the foreshadowing, there can be no real closure.

And another thing occurred to me...I read a story last night about Colin Powell signalling the war would start in 10 days. Let's see...ebola released today...confirmed 8 days from now after people have been dropping like flies for a week from what they thought were really bad #9 New Orleans is fixed as the # 10 the FBI produces Bubba bin Laden, who points the finger at Hussein...overnight 'emergency meeting' and the U.N. votes for war and the tanks roll. Sounds like a plan.