The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #902667
Posted By: Lepus Rex
03-Mar-03 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Gosh, Mick, I don't dislike you. I just dislike what you're doing, lately. I think what you are doing is harmful to the forum and the people on it. I think you, and unfriendly people like you, have driven off more people, mainly newcomers, than anyone. You are "run(ning) stupid games" with your persistent attacks on those percieve to be conspiring against you.

As you said, "some of the very best posters no longer come here." True, and unfortunate. But to blame this on anon. GUESTs, me, and others is silly. People come and go now like they always have. I know you'd like it to be 1998 again, with your cozy little group of buddies. But this isn't then. If I'm not mistaken, the Mudcat is more popular now than ever. But you say it's becoming "irrelevant?" Obviously not to most people. Relevancy is not determined by your ability to adapt, Mick.

---Lepus Rex