The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #902681
Posted By: Amos
03-Mar-03 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Nor is it defined by your ability to be nasty, Lepus. I cannot believe that you fail to understand the point that it isn't anything to do with anonymity. It is all to do with hiddenness. They are too entirely different things. You for example, are entirely anonymous to me, but you have the guts to sign consistently so I have a sense of your being SOMEONE, even though I have no idea who in real human terms. See the difference?

Freedom and irresponsibility don't survive well together. One of them usually drives the other out. What has driven some of the really responsible and intelligent voices away has been (a) drivel and (b) vitriol. How about a pact -- let's discourage both!