The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57420   Message #902761
Posted By: Bill D
03-Mar-03 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: As Above So Below
Subject: RE: Tech: As Above So Below
"You can lead a horse to water...."

it sometimes takes VERY delicate pointing out that many lyrics, etc., have been asked for and posted before...

no one has quite figured out why many folk will not look further than what's in front of their nose.......I have read that many people rarely look beyond the first page of hits in a search engine.

I suspect that the only way to really make people aware that the topic or song etc, has been discussed before would be to put a big banner at the top:

NOTICE- we request you use the SEARCH facility before you post

....but then they would feel insulted.....Not an easy task to make it both clear AND convenient!