The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56985 Message #902901
Posted By: Jim Dixon
03-Mar-03 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Come Take a Trip in My Air Ship
COME, TAKE A TRIP IN MY AIR-SHIP (Words by Ren Shields. Music by George "Honey Boy" Evans. Copyright 1904)
I love a sailor; the sailor loves me, And sails ev'ry night to my home. He's not a sailor that sails o'er the sea, Or over the wild briny foam; For he owns and air-ship and sails up on high. He's just like a bird on the wing, And when the shadows of evening draw nigh, He'll sail to my window and sing:
CHORUS: Come, take a trip in my airship. Come, take a sail 'mong the stars. Come, have a ride around Venus. Come, have a spin around Mars. No one to watch while we're kissing, no one to see while we spoon, Come take a trip in my airship and we'll visit the man in the moon.
One night, while sailing away from the crowds, We passed through the milky white way, Just idly sailing and watching the clouds. He asked me if I'd name the day. And right near the dipper, I gave him my heart. The sun shines on our honeymoon. We swore from each other we never would part And teach all the babies this tune: CHORUS
[Note: Shields and Evans also wrote "In the Good Old Summertime."]