The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #903012
Posted By: AggieD
04-Mar-03 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Oh dear Gargoyle you do have a very LARGE chip on your shoulder(no pun intended!!!!!).

Why then if obesity is not part of our inheritance - for some not all - are they now developing a way of altering the mutated fat gene to stop those people who have it, so that our bodies do not get overweight?

Yes I do agree that we can do something about our size & yes certain ways of losing weight agree with some & not with others, & yes there are lots of greedy people out there who never exercise & live on junk food, & for those people I have little sympathy. However there are still lots of people who struggle constantly with their weight, who are not lazy & eat a good diet.

There are also lots of people in the music world who are bigger than the norm, although the norm seems to be no bigger than a stick insect, which is far more unhealthy than being big.

At least if you are overweight you are less likely to get osteoporosis in later life, especially if you do exercise!

As for heart disease, high blood pressure etc. my doctor has admitted to me that the medical world do not actually know with 100% certainty that obesity solely brings on any of these problems, many of them are theories that research is trying to prove. I know of many thin people who have high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholestorol etc etc.

Enjoy your life, sing your heart out & be positive, you never know you might find other joys in life than eating.