The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57445   Message #903192
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
04-Mar-03 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: Stephen Foster - new Documentary
Subject: Stephen Foster - new Documentary
A quote from my local paper: (March 3, 2003)

Lexington filmmaker and musician, Patrick NcNeese, screened his documentary "Of Myth and Muse: Stepehn Foster and My Old Kentucky Home," a film about the life and works of the iconic songwriter at the public library, in downtown Lexington Saturday.

In this documentary two myths are questioned/possibly dispelled: 1) that Stephen Foster had visited the mansion in Bardstown and 2) that his relationship with Jane McDowell was a pleasant one.

Also in the film are several quotes from Deane L. Root, PhD, curator of the Foster collection (Center for American Music at the University of Pittsburgh ?)-- Foster wanted to change the nature of the minstrel show through his songs...Foster was the first white composer to write songs that reflected the honest feelings of the slaves, and he gave them the same degree of power and dignity as anyone else he wrote about.

There are also some interesting quotes about "My Old Kentucky Home, Goodnight!) as being not about "the big house" so much as being about having a place you call home...

If anyone is interested in this article, I can scan it. If anyone is interested in the program to be shown on KET (Kentucky Public Television) I'll watch for it.