The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57266   Message #903403
Posted By: The Shambles
04-Mar-03 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: Thread Proliferation Control
Subject: RE: Thread Proliferation Control
Yes Amos there has been a lot of whingeing and whining, but I am not confused.

The situation is pretty clear but there are some who have lost the plot. And I do not see very much constructive thought comming from those self-appointed to protect me. And from what?

Can you read back in this thread and look at Joe's 'official'(brown) comments, and honestly tell me that these can be construed as constructive or anything other than power exerted without responsibilty, or any clear goal. With goal posts that can be moved at Joe's personal whim.

Whatever problems Joe is supposed to be adressing, these are practical ones and do not require the following paranoid nonsense purporting to be 'official'. Practical problems have practical solutions, not this nasty hidden agenda and censorship, yes censorship.

Sounds like manipulation to me, a spoiled kid running to Mommy when Daddy's decision is unsatisfactory. I talked with Jeri about this, and we are in agreement. The decision is final, and the thread has been removed from the PEL group. The consensus in the thread in question was that it should not be included in the PEL group. The only dissenting voice was that of Shambles.
I put my personal views in regular messages. The brown comments are official.
-Joe Offer-

There is a proportiate response to my request and this is not it. All this heavy Big Brother stuff is just not necessary or in the spirit of Max's ideal. Max's ideal is based on trust. This trust is being betrayed by those who support this hyperbole (all for the best of reasons), but betrayed never-the-less.Joe does not appear to be prepared to trust anyone, at it would appear to be infectious.

There comes a time when you have to stop and think and to make some difficult choices, I feel this is such a time.

My comments at this time may appear to be supporting the obvious destructive element - the shadows you won't ingnore but still insist on trying to smite with a good swipe of a baseball bat, but the really destructive element is Joe's Big Brother concept.

This Big Brother, final decision concept of Joe's, is totally destructive to the constuctive ideals and efforts of many that make The Mudcat Cafe the slightly chaotic but wonderful place it remains and which Max created for us. It is all done for the best reasons.

However, a flower accidently trampled underfoot, remains just as dead as one deliberately cut down.