The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57420   Message #903514
Posted By: Max
04-Mar-03 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: As Above So Below
Subject: RE: Tech: As Above So Below
You are a classic troll, you always have been. If I thought for a second you had anything useful to offer us, I wouldn't be communicating with you like this. While most of us come here to enjoy folk music or political conversations or humor or happiness, you come here to argue and incite. Your track record and posting history proves that beyond a doubt. You have no value to this community. You are merely an irritant. Posting as a GUEST cannot help you, I know who you are with every one of your posts. So you can't hide behind your false argument about hostility towards GUESTS, because I know I am only being hostile to you.   

You perceive a "a culture of viciousness" because you create it with your hostile hobby of disrupting discussion forums. Well I have a hobby too...