The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57464   Message #903548
Posted By: DougR
04-Mar-03 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: No more human shields in Iraq
Subject: BS: No more human shields in Iraq
I just heard on the Fox News Network that the human shields so many of you admired for going to Iraq to place their innocent bodies near hospitals, childcare centers and the like departed from Iraq today. Why? They were shocked to find that the Iraqis placed them instead (and under guard) at power stations, oil derricks and other strategic bombing targets instead. They also were shocked to find that their airfares from the U. S. and Great Britain were paid for by the Iraqi government. Surprise, surprise! So now they are on their way home.

Look for more details in the mainstream press (if they choose to report it). McGrath, keep your eye on "The Guardian," I'm sure they will have a full report on it. :>)
