The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57400   Message #903553
Posted By: Bill D
04-Mar-03 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Greatest Thing Youve Done
Subject: RE: BS: The Greatest Thing Youve Done
kat...if I had to talk ON THE PHONE for 3-4 hours everyday, I would consider my bad karma totally erased! Glad you can do talents lie eleswhere.

You know...I totally forgot the one period in my life when I actually did 'fill a special place'......When Rita was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and needed to lie in bed 22 hours a day for months, I managed to do all the things one needs to do at such, shopping, pushing wheelchairs..etc...(I got up at odd hours of the night to wheel her to the bathroom) was no more than SHE had done when our son was*shrug*

I even rigged a bed in the van with Oak planks and foam mattress, so she could rest on trips to Johns Hopkins for exams.

Now, that may be "doing something great" in one sense, but the "great" thing was that I was able to do it, because it never occured to me to do anything else...Jerry had it right!