The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57277   Message #903720
Posted By: GUEST,Ruleboy
04-Mar-03 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Subject: RE: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers

marked by decay and decline fits perfectly.

Todays pot has far more THC, Thera-Hydra-cannabinol than the original wild growing stuff. The the wine, caffiene, sweets, chocolate and candles and stuff is not produced by terrorists and they are not illegal. However overuse can be harmful to your health.

Someday cigarettes will be outlawed and people will be puffing them clandestinely and claiming they can't hurt you.


It means it is legal and you could not be prosecuted. Do you live in a democracy? If so work toward having it changed.

There are dumb laws in the US pertaining to crap like eating peanuts on Sunday in public for example. Im am sure they could be changed if it was worth the effort but it is ignored. The laws on Marijuana are of a little more serious nature and are not ignored.

At one time there were no laws on MJ use and even on Cocaine. Coca Cola was invented by a druggist in Atlanta who added Cocaine to some syrups. It was not carbonated back then. It was like a tonic and a pick meup. You could buy Opium over the counter in the form of Laudnum.

Eventaully Opium, MJ and Cocaine were seen as dangerous substances and laws were passed against them. What can I say besides follow the laws until you can change them, If pot smokers were such intellectual giants as they claim to be, it should be a simple matter to enter government and work to change the law. If they do, by then they are of an age and position to realize that pot is bad so they leave the law as is.

If you don't believe me just Ozzy Osborne.

Rule Boy