The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57277   Message #903972
Posted By: Sam L
05-Mar-03 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Subject: RE: BS: Feds Bust Bong Sellers
Damn! I thought we were getting along okay, Leprechaun, just arguing. Really I did. I keep doing this with people. I like the sparring.
    One of the earliest sociological studies of criminals found that they were generally less than average intelligence. Later another study pointed out that the first study had used prison populations--exclusively the criminals who got caught. Leprechaun, do you think maybe people who use pot responsibly don't care to show it off to you? Think maybe you tend to see a lot of the worst-case? I've accepted little gifts of weed from old friends, though it seemed a waste, because I felt I ought to, for old-time's sake. And the little gifts sat around for 8 years in a drawer--a drug prosecutor close to me told me to shut up about this, didn't want to know. I can see why. Got rid of it at a party eventually.

   Rule-Boy, the laws are changing and will change further, without my lifting a finger. When you can have popular movies with pot dealer clowns, Jay and Silent Bob, or even anti-hero-heros, American Beauty, it says something about the general culture. Not that they are growing tolerant of pot--that's old news--but they are just inertly tolerant of still having pot illegal. They won't be forever.

   You have a point. If someone I know, a pretty messed-up person I'll grant you, bi-polar and unwilling to get help for it, dead-sober and no tobacco, but wasting time and money not just on pot, but on going to concerts of bands I thought were dead, buying t-shirts and crap, having lost all self-confidence--if that person went to jail on account of the pot, I'd be pissed. And yes, partly at myself for having done nothing to change the law. It's horrible to think of.