The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57400   Message #904009
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
05-Mar-03 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Greatest Thing Youve Done
Subject: RE: BS: The Greatest Thing Youve Done
Whoops! Hit the wrong button. That wasn't one of the Greatest Things I've Ever Done, by the way.

Welcome, Guest!

You know, I could just as easily start a thread titled, The rottenest Things I've Ever Done, And there's probably not a person who contributed here who couldn't add to my list. We've all done things that we're ashamed of... or at least speaking for myself, I have. I've done unkind acts out of selfishness and insensitivity, or revenge that I will always regret. I suspect that there are things that you've done in your life that have lifted people that you don't give yourself credit for. When you helped that man to learn to read, that was a beautiful gift. He didn't use it wisely. That doesn't diminish the goodness of the act. I could start another thread that would be titled Great Things I Did For Others That The Bums Dind't Even Thank Me For. Now, that would be a REAAALLLLL long thread.

There are people who think ugly is real and good is "warm fluffies."
Admittedly, people can be very self-congratulatory about their good acts, or sentimentalize them. But, if you want bad news, but a newspaper, listen to Rap or go to a movie. There's no shortage of negativity around us. But, there is also no shortage of goodness around us, and in us. Rapaire is right that the common quality of all the acts described in this thread is that we were able to do something because we were able to transcend ourselves. I find this thread an encouragement and reminder of the potential we all have.
Guests or members.

Several years ago, I did a Christmas card with excerpts from a poem by Bishop Muzorewa. Someone gave me the poem, and they had no idea who Bishop Muzorewa is, but the message is very powerful.

"People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered
Love them anyway

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable
Be honest and frank anyway

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight
Build anyway

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth
Give the world the best you have anyway

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives
Do good anyway

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow
Do good anyway"

FDrom Love Them Anyway, by Bishop Muzorewa